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Formatting Configuration

As a user, you have full control over the configuration and style of the code that gets formatted.

Pro Tip

We curated the default formatting rules for IDL to help present a fresh, modern feel to our beloved language.

If you are like us, and have been using IDL for a long time, we challenge you to try it out and see how your code can look with our default and modern styles.


Pro Tip

All of these settings can be accessed from within the extension.

Navigate to the IDL sidebar as select "Open Extension Settings" to find them.

Here's a JSON view of all settings for formatting code in the extension:

  "autoFix": true,
  "autoDoc": false,
  "styleAndFormat": true,
  "tabWidth": 2,
  "style": {
    "quotes": "single",
    "methods": "dot",
    "keywords": "lower",
    "properties": "camel",
    "control": "lower",
    "numbers": "lower",
    "hex": "lower",
    "octal": "lower",
    "binary": "lower",
    "routines": "match",
    "routineMethods": "camel",
    "systemVariables": "lower",
    "structureNames": "pascal",
    "localVariables": "match"

You can manage settings for formatting code directly from the VSCode Settings UI. All of the "style" options also allow you to specify "none" to turn that off.

autoFixIf there is a problem we can fix, when you save/format a file, fix them
autoDocWhen we format/save a file, add or update documentation for routines
styleAndFormatWhen we format/save a file, do we apply our styles and format?
tabWidthNumber of spaces per level of indentation, default is 2
style.quotes Single or double quotes for strings. Also applies to numbers made using strings'this', "that"
style.methodsArrow (->) or dot (.) when invoking class methodsobj->method, obj.method
style.keywordsUpper or lower case for keywordsmyfunc(kw1 = 5, /kw2)
style.propertiesUpper, lower, pascal, camel, or match case for properties!null = var.prop
style.controlUpper or lower case control statementsfor, begin, pro
style.numbersAccents for numbers to specify type, upper or lower case5l, 42ull
style.hexUpper or lower case for hex numbers0xaef
style.octalUpper or lower case for octal numbers0o0123
style.binaryUpper or lower case for binary numbers0b010101
style.routinesPascal, camel, match, or no formatting for functions and procedures?ENVIRaster() or myPro
style.routineMethodsPascal, camel, match, or no formatting for procedure and function methods?obj.myMethod() vs obj.fooBar
style.systemVariablesUpper or lower case!NULL, !x, !y
style.structureNamesPascal, camel, match, or no formatting for structure namesa = {MyStruct, inherits StyleMeToo}
style.localVariablesDo we match the case/style of the first instance of a variable?

Task Formatting

We re-use some of the style parameters for task file formatting as there is some overlap in concepts.

Below you will find which properties are used and how they control the formatting in tasks.

style.keywordsUpper or lower case for value of "keyword""keyword": "keyword_name"
style.keywordsUpper or lower case for the value of "name""name": "my_parameter"
style.controlUpper or lower case for the value of "direction" and "required""direction": "input"

Here's some context for why we chose those style options:

  • The "keyword" tag in parameter task schemas maps directly to keywords in your code
  • The "name" tag in parameter task schemas maps directly to a property when accessing the task in code
  • The "direction" and "require" tags control the behavior of the parameter

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