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The AutoDoc feature of the extension automatically creates and maintains documentation for your routines and keeps them up-to-date with the latest arguments and keywords in your code.

Pro Tip

You need to opt-in in order to take advantage of the AutoDoc feature.

To opt-in, enable autoDoc under the setting IDL -> Code -> Formatting.

To enable format on save for PRO code, see here


AutoDoc has two main groups of features and things that it does:

  1. Normalizes comments to always use the same styling and formatting. This makes sure that, no matter who writes the comments, they will have the same look and feel.

  2. Automatically adjusts comments based on procedure/function and adds any missing parameters (arguments or keywords) to the docs without the extra step of manually including them. It completely automates this process so you can spend more time writing code instead of documenting it.


If your code comments are not in the IDL Doc format, then should test the behavior first.

Formatting Style

There are three components to the formatting of routine comments: section order and indentation style.

Header Sections: Order and Aliases

And here is a table with the order that docs section tags are processed.


The pattern for section names is that they are a single word

Header sections are case insensitive, but are formatted with first letter upper-case and the rest lower case

Need more aliases? Let us know! It's easy to add new ones.

SectionDescriptionAliases (case insensitive)
DescriptionRoutine overview, includes examples"About"
ReturnsReturned data type
ArgumentsDetails on each argument"Param", "Parameters", "Args"
KeywordsDetails on each keyword
Any user headersWhatever you want!
AuthorWho wrote it
RevisionsChanges over time"History"

Indentation and Spacing

Here's a sample formatted comment block as a reference:

; :Description:
;   My procedure
; :Arguments:
;   var1: in, required, any
;     My favorite thing
; :Keywords:
;   kw1: in, optional, boolean
;     Super Cool flag
pro myRoutine, var1, kw1 = kw1
  compile_opt idl2
  ; ......

Here's the important details:

  • All primary headers have one space between the comment and the header start (i.e. ; :Description:)

  • The content for each header always starts on the next line

  • Each level of content is automatically indented by two spaces. This is non-configurable and does not respect the number of spaces used for formatting

  • For arguments and keywords, the docs style follows: name: direction, required, type and is based on the IDL Doc formatting style

  • Within VSCode, you can hover over the direction, required, type and hover help will provide additional detail on what those parameters are.

  • Any descriptions of the parameters have an additional two spaces of indentation

  • After each section, a space is created to delineate between sections

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