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Variables Reference

Visual Studio code has a concept of Variables Reference to allow for short-hand strings to identify home folders, workspaces, etc.

The IDL extension supports some of these and they are checked for the following preferences:

  • Environment variables used when IDL starts

  • Getting the location of the folder that IDL generates output to

Supported Variables

Pro Tip

These variables are all case-insensitive

You can use forward slashes for paths on Windows (helps if you use Linux/Mac and Windows)

You are allowed to use one of the following variables in a given expression. The table indicates the order that we check and, after we find one matching variable, we return and do not keep checking.

VariableDescriptionExample Folder
${.idl}The user's .idl/vscode folderC:\Users\AwesomeUser\.idl\vscode
${userHome}The user's home folderC:\Users\AwesomeUser
${workspaceFolder}The currently open workspace. Uses the first if more than one. Defaults to .idl/vscode if no workspaces are open.C:\Users\AwesomeUser\Documents\node\awesome-vscode-idl

Syntax Examples

Here's an example of how you can use these variables:

  "idl.IDL.environment": {
    "IDL_STARTUP": "${workspaceFolder}/",
    "MY_VAR": "${.idl}/",
    "OTHER_VAR": "${userHome}"

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